How to lose belly fat?

Are you religiously tracking your nutrition, smashing your resistance and cardio sessions in the gym, have lost some weight when you initially started, but now feeling a bit stuck?
Are you noticing that the fat from your belly is not dropping as quickly as you would have hoped... or at all?

Like most people that start with us and have been doing everything possible, your body may be experiencing metabolic adaptation and is most likely why you are no longer losing weight on the current calories you are on. 

Metabolic adaptation occurs when your energy availability is less than optimal due to the size of the caloric deficit you are currently in, or have been in for some time. The reason why our body's metabolic rate adapts is due to the fact that our body is the BEST at adapting to stress and re-defining a new maintenance point....
The human body really is an incredible machine, right! 

To put this into more simple terms, if you have been under eating to try lose weight for a long time, or over training in the gym, there is likely going to be a point where your body stops losing weight and you start to plateau. 

Now for most people, they are simply not changing because they may be yo-yo dieting and not actually being adherent or consistent.
If this is you, than this could be why. 
Although if you know you are doing everything you possibly can BUT still not seeing results, then you have most likely run into metabolic adaptation. 

Now we know that we cannot choose where we lose fat from. As adults, we start to store body fat more readily on the belly, and it does become hard to shift. 
A big reason for this is due to our hormone's and stress levels. Chronic stress increases abdominal fat, and stress is of course increased with low energy availability, poor sleep and recovery, and lack of nutrients. 

In order to lose belly fat, we need to bring your body back in a fat loss phase to ensure your body is actually losing body fat, and is not stuck in metabolic fatigue. 

For most people, this is by taking a step back and focusing on recovery.
It sounds counterintuitive and almost a little bit scary to allow yourself to eat more and train less.… But trust me, it may be just what your body actually needs to achieve long term, sustainable results.


I’ll start again on Monday.


How to lose weight (and keep it off)?