Own the day, own the week.

Do you struggle being consistent within the inconsistency throughout the week?
This is one of the biggest struggles we notice within our clients. Monday is close to perfect, Tuesday to Wednesday is usually on track, a few slip up's on Thursday’s, and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are a complete right off.

The problem with this is the self created YO-YO dieting mentality where you are either 100% on or 100% off, and the mindset of what you are doing is very conflicting.


Imagine if every day could be consistent, no matter what day of the week it was. Then do you think perhaps you could attain your goals quicker and with less drastic measures?
The short answer is YES.

The BEST results we see within our clients and ourselves as coaches, are when each day there is consistency.

Although you may be thinking how to maintain a social life around this, or how to fit training in when work has major deadlines… it is actually very easy.
Here are a few tips that may help you through this week:

  1. Create a weekly planner that has mapped out what events are on, what deadlines you have, and all your non-negotiables. Then fit in your training around this. We recommend doing a session on both Saturday and Sunday when you have “more time” and headspace to smash your training without feeling overwhelmed.


  1. Follow this up with creating your meal plan in your food tracking app, and pre-fill in each day around what you anticipate the day will be like.
    If Friday morning’s are always the morning you give in to a morning tea, then track a slice of cake or biscuits in already and work your day around this.
    If Friday night is always a pizza night, then track a homemade pizza in your diary. Be organised and clever. You CAN achieve your goals being flexible with foods.


  1. Wake up each morning and write your goals out for the day with pen and paper. DO NOT type this on your phone. When you put pen and paper together, you are in a self-vulnerable position where you are being honest and judgemental of yourself and what you write. Create this habit so even on a Saturday you have your goals in your head during the weekend.

Remember, if you own each day you will own the week.
When you own each week and set yourself up with consistency, results do happen!
As we always say, be patient, be consistent, be positive.


How to lose weight (and keep it off)?


Tracking your results.